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Military Officials Share | Ufo Sightings | Breaking News

UFOs: National Press Club Witness Testimony
U.S. Air Force Officers Speak Out on UFOs

Dear friends,
Six courageous U.S. Air Force officers and one passionate researcher assembled at the prestigious National Press Club in Washington, DC on Sept. 27th to give their intriguing testimony of personal involvement in a major UFO cover-up. For an excellent 18-minute video summary of this landmark event on the MSNBC website, click hereBelow are key excerpts of numerous fascinating articles in the mainstream media which covered this historic event. Each excerpt is taken verbatim from the major media website listed at the link provided. The most important sentences are highlighted for those with limited time.
The exciting news is that several of these Air Force officers related events in which nuclear missiles were deactivated in their silos as a result of UFO interference. The message from these incidents seems to be that humanity should stop playing with nuclear bombs. Could it be that those responsible for these UFOs don't want us to destroy ourselves and are sending discreet messages to those who manage these lethal weapons? Other Air Force officers have given similar testimony, which you can read here.
I have had the privilege of personally meeting two of these courageous gentlemen, Captain Robert Salas and Lieutenant Colonel Dwynne Arneson. Capt. Salas was impressed with the work of and gave me a copy of his extensive personal investigation into the UFO cover-up in which he is involved, which is now posted at this linkFor lots more reliable, verifiable information on the UFO cover-up, see the "What you can do" box at the end of this message. By choosing to educate ourselves and to spread the word on this most intriguing and important topic, we can and will build a brighter future.

With very best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton


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