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Ex-Air Force Officers Say Pentagon is Covering up Details About UFOs

Monday, former Air Force officers held a UFO press conference and stated that they witnessed UFOs during their time in the Air Force, and that the Pentagon is covering up details about the UFOs. The government has made an official statement that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) do not pose a threat, but some cannot be explained. The UFO press conference has created an internet buzz Tuesday.

Seven former Air Force officers who were all stationed at various nuclear bases around the country between 1947 and 1969 said that they have seen UFOs and in some cases were asked by the military to go after them.
"I want the government to acknowledge that this phenomenon exists," said Robert Salas, a former U.S. Air Force Nuclear Launch Officer. "I want the Air Force, the government to come forward and say this is a real phenomenon."
Salas said that they are not sure that UFOs do not pose a national security threat, and wants the government to retract that statement.
"He calls back about five minutes later and this time he's screaming into the phone. He's very frightened, I can tell by his voice," Salas said. "And he said, 'Sir, I've got all the guards out here, they've got their weapons drawn, we're all looking at an orange or reddish pulsating oval-shaped object. It's about 30 feet in diameter and just hovering above the front gate. "
Salas told the guards to keep it outside the gate and then informed another officer who was with him underground. They were monitoring the launch of 10 nuclear missiles.
"The missiles started going into 'no go' or unlaunchable condition. They were essentially disabled while this object was overhead," he said.
The UFO eventually left, and Salas said it took almost a day to get the missiles running again.
"Nobody was injured and I don't consider it an attack but it certainly it was a national security incident and something the Air Force said has never happen in their official policy documents," he said.
The Air Force has an official position about UFOs posted on its website, which states that they investigated the UFOs from 1947 - 1969, and found no evidence that they were extraterrestrial vehicles.
"No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security," the statement reads. "There was no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as "unidentified" represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge."
Reported by : SCIENTIST X

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